A Generation of eXcellence

A unique feature of the GENX Project’s exhibition is a section called “A Generation of eXcellence,” which looks at the Gen X high school experience through the lens of Chicago’s Robert Lindblom Technical High School (now called the Robert Lindblom Math and Science Academy). Photos, memorabilia and recollections from Lindblom alumni shed light on what it was like to attend a selective-enrollment high school for the first generation born after the civil rights movement. Alisha Roberts-Novak, curator of the GenX Project interview — jcoydenreports.com


Growing Up X is on display at the Illinois State Museum in Springfield Jan. 28, 2023, through October. Admission is free. Learn more at  www.illinoisstatemuseum.org.

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🔗 Learn more: https://youtu.be/yrAd7ex2VHQ | https://www.genxque.org/

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